Why Materialize Mimics?
Bring your mind to patient care
Experience greater efficiency with dedicated and robust tools for segmentation and anatomical design.
Rely on the industry standard
Work with comprehensive, regulatory-approved software and leverage insights from industry leaders whose work has been published in more than 14,000 peer-reviewed articles.
Grow your projects with confidence
Leverage automation in segmentation for key anatomies. Further automate repetitive tasks in your workflow through Python scripting or custom plugins.
Experience expert support
Maximize potential through dedicated app support and online learning.

Segment your anatomy effectively
Combine automated tools with smart editing tools to get accurate 3D models.

Characterize an anatomy
Identify landmarks and measure anatomy using a comprehensive set of tools for creating landmarks as well as simple and advanced measurements directly in 3D space.

Virtually plan your procedure
Visualize for different procedure scenarios for better understanding. Virtually insert devices into anatomy to understand anatomical fit.

Communicate anytime, anywhere
Materialize Mimics Viewer is an online platform that allows users to review and comment from anywhere in the world and from any device, providing faster feedback loops.

Talk to our experts
Our application engineers not only know the software from the inside out, they also understand your application.

Automate your workflow
Python scripting allows you to automate repetitive steps in your workflow. If you don't want to code yourself or you have a larger automation project, you can take advantage of our custom add-on services.
Materialize Mimics is part of the Mimics Innovation Suite, the most advanced tool for anatomy engineering.

5 Quick Tips to Improve Your Medical Image Segmentation Process

Using 4D CT to Understand Anatomy-Device Interaction Throughout the Cardiac Cycle

Mimics® CT Heart tool for heart chamber segmentation: quantitative validation

Orthopedic device manufacturers turn to workflow automation to accelerate knee development
What's new in Mimics Viewer
Scalable your personalized healthcare applications through AI-powered automatic segmentation

Heart CT


Knee CT

Knee MRI
Discover why you should upgrade
Mimics Innovation Suite 24 ›